SELF Working Groups

Welcome to homepage for the SELF Working Groups. This page will be updated regularly to keep you informed and connected. Relevant files are available in the Working Group Dropbox folder.

Latest Updates from WACS 2024

On Tuesday, March 5th, Dr. Catherine Mohr presented at the Intuitive Foundation Symposium on Surgical Training and Education as part of the West African College of Surgeons (WACS) 64th Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference. Slides from her talk can be found here: WACS Update 2024.

Article Working Groups

Members of the following groups will collaborate to publish articles as a set in a special edition of a relevant journal. The article working groups are a follow-on from work that took place at the SELF Symposium in August 2023.

Module Development Working Groups

Members of the following groups will collaborate to refine or develop self-directed training modules.


Members of all groups will collaborate to create a glossary of terms that will be used throughout the articles.